Monday, January 11, 2010


The holidays went pretty well. Kathy was so busy with all the boys home that she didn't take it as easy as she should have. Instead of being just more tired it seems it affected her feet too. She had much more soreness in her feet than she had in prior weeks and would get up and walk around gingerly the whole time.

Eveyone left on Saturday, January the 2nd to go back to school etc so Mom and I and for part of the time David and Kathryn just relaxed and watched NCIS marathos on TV. It was a very lazy day and much needed. On Sunday her feet felt much better and on Monday she was back on her chemo drugs.

We changed insurance coverage at my company January 1. So we are finding out that we have to get clearance on all the drugs and procedures from the new insurer. We can't just assume it is covered. She had to buy a few drugs last weekend just to get her thru the weekend and it was over $250.00. I asked her today how much a daily dose of medications would cost and she said over $250.00. That doesn't count the infusions she gets monthly, the docstors visits, the treatments for lymphodema or anything else but the drugs. She is an expensive lady!!

I am so glad for insurance. I wonder about the future and hope we can always have the coverage we need. We would go broke quickly if we had to pay for this for long.

For now, Kathy feels good and is strong. It is January, though. Last year on Martin Luther King Jr. day we took Kathy to the hospital. Too many bad memories. Things aren't the same this year. This medication doesn't lower her white blood cell count like last years. We are hopeful.

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