Wednesday, May 26, 2010

CT Scan This Week and Changes Next?

Kathy and I are both pretty sure this chemo drug just isn't doing it. The tumors do not seem to be shrinking and she is always tired. She has gone in for a CT scan today which they will compare to the results from six weeks ago and we'll see what is happening. She isn't scheduled to visit her doctor for another two weeks but we think she might be able to know the results before her next infusion next Tuesday. No sense getting a drug that isn't working, right?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tiredness Tiredness and more Tiredness

Well, if you had one word to describe how Kathy has been feeling over the past month it is tired. She is always tired with the possible exception of the day after she receives her chemo treatment and then she is on a chemo drug high. However, if she works at the temple for four hours (which she does) which she does the day after chemo, then she is tired at the end of the day. Naps are crucial.

She was sooo tired and not feeling well two weeks ago when she went in for her infusion that they cut back the chemo by 20%. She did a little better. Last Tuesday we went in to see the Dr. which we always do on the week "off" and discussed the progress. Kathy and her Dr. decided to keep the chemo at the reduced 20% reduction and to get more CT scans in three weeks. From that we will be able to see if there are any changes and if we need to either increase the dosage again, change drugs, or keep on going with this drug.

We have a few people pop over and bring dinner occasionally. We really have capable people at home but Kathy still does almost all the cooking. I occasionally do either Lasagna or Meatloaf but really she does OK as long as she gets her sleep at night and her naps.

The one problem with her sleeping is that some nights she just can't sleep. So she is up for hours in the middle of the night and can't relax. She takes something for that and usually it works but last night it didn't. I hope she isn't building up a resistence. What are you going to do?

We continue to enjoy having Dan and Mike home. Kathryn went to NY this past weekend so we even had David at home. Nice.